Talitha Kumi Guest House is located within Talitha Kumi School Complex in Beit Jala, a school that is run by Berliner Missionswerk, Germany. The Guest House commands a prime location for guests travelling from Jerusalem with its easy access. It is also only 5 kilometres away from Bethlehem, where all the major attractions are located in the area.
With its landscaped setting and being located on top of the highest point in Beit Jala, Talitha Kumi Guest House boasts magnificent views of the surrounding valleys and towns and even Jordan on a clear day.
Talitha Kumi Guest house in Beit Jala near Bethlehem
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Beit Jala P.O Box 7, Bethlehem Governerate
Palestinian Territories
Palestinian Territories
Phone Number
Opening Hours
24 Hours
Destination Address:
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